The power, and the lust for power, is held by people whose names don’t often appear in the media — people associated with organizations which are equally unknown. Klaus Schwab and Stephanie Kelton aren’t featured in headlines. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) don’t trend on social media platforms.
Yet they may have more power than most putative powerholders.
While the media keep ordinary citizens busy with controversies like “socialist vs. capitalist” or “progressive vs. libertarian,” these shadowy figures manipulate the political and socio-economic systems from a much higher level, and are content to use the guise of socialist or capitalist from time to time, choosing whichever of the two suits their agenda. The agenda is simply power and control. In changing situations, they might benefit by promoting one political group or another — such furtherance always anonymous and from unseen sources through unseen channels — and a decade later, it might be to their advantage to support the opposing group.
At the global level, such individuals can use both Democrats and Republicans, both socialists and capitalists, both business leaders and organized labor leaders. The debates and disputes which occupy the attention of the media, the elected political leaders, and the ordinary citizens are merely distractions which the conspiracy has created to keep the average person from becoming aware of a world-wide network of controlling manipulators.
Much of this sinister power is carried out behind the facade of “The Great Reset,” a slogan unveiled in 2020 by Klaus Schwab, the WEF, and other associates.
What is “The Great Reset”? At first glance, it might seem like a list of the usual leftist political agendas: green environmentalism, “stakeholder” economies leading to more equity, and a technocracy empowered to bring these goals to fruition. The reader might wonder: what is new here? Such agendas have been the bread-and-butter of leftism for decades.
What’s different here is the exploitation and insincerity. “The Great Reset” could easily change in an instant and suddenly demand that people burn more fossil fuels and put more CO2 into the atmosphere. It could suddenly pivot from fighting racism to promoting it. For “The Great Reset,” and for the individuals and institutions which are promoting it, concepts like “environmentalism” and “social justice” are merely tools which can be used to control people.
All the causes and movements which “The Great Reset” promotes require regulations, taxes, and laws. The Great Reset uses these idealistic and noble convictions to gain power — to gain the ability to control people. The leaders who empower Green movements and “social justice” movements from behind the camouflage of “The Great Reset” have no interest in the earth’s environment, no interest in reducing CO2, no interest in reducing racism, and no interest in shrinking income inequality. They embrace these ideals temporarily, only long enough to use them to create some regulatory structure.
Neither is the other end of the political spectrum safe. Those who seek free markets and free speech are equally likely to be exploited by “The Great Reset.” At the moment, the megalomaniacs may be using leftist factions to gain power, but they can easily switch and begin exploiting rightist movements in the same way.
To perceive the hidden patterns requires rethinking. The daily media focuses on the micro-controversies of liberals and conservatives, progressives and libertarians, Democrats and Republicans. The media have been fooled by the conspiracy. The reading public must learn to take a step back and look at the big picture. The global question is this: Are the lives of individuals becoming freer and less regulated? Or are the lives of people increasingly managed and subject to rules?
Human beings are the best they can be when no other human being is controlling or ruling them. It is perhaps a good thing to be regulated by moral principles, or by God, but it is destructive to be taxed and regulated by a political power structure.
In the words of a Mercury Radio Arts report,
I want to once again stress the importance of resisting the urge to view the Great Reset as a socialist or even progressive framework.
The clue is this: Why would capitalists promote socialist programs? Why would the producers of fossil fuel promote Green energy schemes?
“There are socialist and progressive elements to the plan,” and yet the reader sees “repeatedly that corporations, bankers, and some of the world’s wealthiest people have proudly stood behind the Great Reset.” Why would an oil tycoon decide to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal”?
Does anyone believe that these Wall Street cutthroats and billionaire entrepreneurs have suddenly become card-carrying members of the Democratic Socialists of America? Of course they haven’t.
If some of these leaders have no faith in the movements which they have suddenly started supporting — movements which oppose the beliefs, livelihoods, and existences of these leaders — then why are they so eager to promote these ideologies? Have they suddenly become suicidal?
No. They’re simply realists. They see that they have been outmaneuvered by forces which are far more powerful than they are. Resistance would be futile. Going along with the demands of the global conspiracy is not self-destructive; it’s survival.
It is important to understand that the most corrupt — and most terrifying — elements of the Great Reset also help explain why so many business leaders and financial institutions have agreed to promote this movement. Many have gone beyond mere promotion and even helped develop some of its primary components. This includes presidents and CEOs from Microsoft, Bank of America, Mastercard, BP, and other highly influential business and investment firms.
The reader will learn to observe world events with an eye to one variable: control. Who’s in control? Who’s being controlled? Is the level of control increasing or decreasing?
In order to focus on this one variable, the reader will learn to see that the concerns and debates of low-level politics are either mere distractions, to prevent the public from perceiving the real impact of the international conspiracy, or they are actively being used by the conspiracy to obtain more power. The powerful individuals who proudly announce their deep concern about CO2 levels and the climate do not care about CO2 levels and the climate. They have simply determined that they can obtain more power by enacting climate policies. Leaders who declare their concern about social justice, income inequality, and racism do not care about the lives of individuals, or about any form of justice. They have learned that these movements can be exploited to allow these leaders to manipulate the lives of individuals — whether by legal regulation or by social trends, it makes no difference.
As the report from Mercury Radio Arts notes,
The crony corporatists running these multibillion-dollar companies have seen the writing on the wall: governments around the world are increasingly pushing for “green” mandates and sustainable development, as well as restrictions on speech — whether businesses and their customers like it or not. Plus, central banks are literally printing trillions of dollars that governments are directing toward the causes they favor, including many focused on social justice. If you were running a business, especially a large multinational corporation, it would be stupid not to do everything in your power to get your hands on some of that “free” cash, right?
On the one hand, there are people who truly believe in some cause and see it as a noble effort. They are manipulated by “The Great Reset” and they believe that “The Great Reset” shares their beliefs and values and is an ally in the noble struggle. They’ve been fooled, and they are being used.
On the other hand, there are those who may not discern the full program of this hidden conspiracy which lurks behind a variety of individuals, movements, and international organizations. They don’t fully understand the plot, but they clearly understand that they will suffer if they don’t go along with the officially sponsored trend of the moment.
In the end, both types of people are serving the purposes of a small handful of masterminds who are operating an international conspiracy. In the end, individual freedoms continue to be lost, and human beings continue to be increasingly controlled by a network of shadowy power mongers who are several layers behind the frontline bureaucrats, media personalities, and political activists who seem to be shaping the world, but who in reality are also puppets.